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Programs & Services

Child Safety & Family Services
Child Safety & Family Services
Intake & Family Services
The Intake and Family Service teams are delegated under the Child, Family, and Community Services Act (CFCSA) to review, assess, and investigate reports of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Supports are then provided to families to mitigate safety risks to Métis children. The team utilizes the family's strengths and natural supports, and makes referrals to community partners in order to overcome barriers to child safety. Métis Family Services works collaboratively with community partners, families, and their networks to keep children with their natural family whenever possible.
Supervised Access Services
Métis Family Services provides on-site supervised access in a safe, neutral environment where parents or other family members can spend time with children who are in temporary or permanent care.
Youth Worker Program
The Youth Worker Program assists teens who are between 16 - 19 year old, and who have been referred by the Ministry of Children and Family development (MCFD) or Métis Family Services. The role of the Youth Worker is to support the youth to develop the life skills necessary to achieve independence upon their 19th birthday, as well as to help youth to succeed on Youth Agreements and Independent Living Agreements.
Intake & Family Services
Supervised Access Services
Youth Worker Program

Child & Youth In Care
Children & Youth In Care
Guardianship Program
The Guardianship team focuses on providing community and cultural connections for children and youth in the temporary or continuing care of the Director. The team provides information to children and youth in care about their rights, and advocates for their best interests. The team also supports children and youth with transitions, and in building independence with a focus on connection and permanency.
Resources Program
The Resources team recruits and trains new caregivers, and provides support to family members caring for children in their homes. The team works closely with caregivers to determine the best possible placements for Métis children when they are unable to live with family. The team ensures that all care homes provide culturally appropriate, safe, and nurturing environments, with caregivers who work as part of a larger care team in order to best meet the needs of the children and youth in their home.
Guardianship Program
Residential Resourcs Program

Family Strengthening
Family Strengthening
Rapid Response Program
Rapid Response Program
The Rapid Response team is committed to working respectfully with families and caregivers while preserving their dignity and cultural beliefs. The team recognizes that families are the expert in their own lives, and draws from their unique strengths to help families to move forward. The team's focus is working collaboratively with families to help them to connect to other community supports, strengthen their community ties, and promote child safety.
Child & Family Group Therapy
In partnership with Tipping Point Consulting & Counselling Services, the Group Therapy program provides resources to assist children and their families who are struggling with the effects of untreated and unresolved trauma. Individuals referred will be supported to grow their social-emotional assets to increase co-regulation, self-regulation, social competence, empathy and resilience. There are four primary areas explored within the overall framework of the group: Attachment, Regulation, Competence, and Community.
Cultural Activities Program
The Cultural Activities Worker at Métis Family Services is able to assist with connecting individuals and families to Elders, Métis knowledge keepers, and Métis mentors for children and youth. The Cultural Activities Worker can provide information on Métis events, history, traditions, activities, and foods. This worker also manages the Métis Family Services Facebook page (Métis Family Services-Surrey) with upcoming events and online classes.
Child & Famly Group Therapy
Cultural Activities Program

Child & Family Development
Child & Family Development
Drop-in Play Grops for Children 0-5
Drop-In Support Services for Families
The Métis Child and Family Development Centre is a non-judgemental and supportive space in which parents and children are encouraged to engage in Aboriginal Mother Goose, drumming, singing, circles, story-telling, indigenous animals and puppetry— with Mooshum and Kookum. Parents learn about ages and stages of development and can ask questions about concerns they may have regarding their child’s development. The Early Years workers assist families with parenting strategies and by sharing resources in a welcoming environment. Parents and caregivers can also connect with each other while participating in the program.
Indigenous/Métis Infant Development Program & Early Years Support
When requested, the Infant Development Worker provides consultation for parents/caregivers and their children while they attend play group activities or by providing home visits. The Infant Development Worker can provide activity planning and developmental assessments (ASQ-3, ASQ-2:SE) to better understand a child’s development, celebrate a child’s growth, and to determine when further follow-up needs to be done.
Elder Program
An Indigenous Elder is involved in the Child and Family Development programming, as well as in many other events and ceremonies hosted by Métis Family Services. The presence of Elders provides opportunities to learn from knowledge keepers and to receive valuable support and guidance.
Outreach Parenting Program
The Outreach Parenting Workers support parents to learn new parenting skills, establish household routines and develop coping skills. The Outreach Parenting Workers help families to connect with resources in the community, and work collaboratively with parents to create and make progress on goals that contribute to family harmony.
Infant Development Program
Aboriginal Outreach Parenting Program

Adoption Program
The Adoption team focuses on finding permanent homes for Métis children in continuing care of the Director where a placement with family is not possible. The team works closely with potential adoptive parents to ensure their openness to family and continued cultural connection.
Resolutions & Reconnect Program
Within the Resolutions and Reconnect program; a Facilitator, Elder and a Reconnect worker are available to collaborate with Social Workers to support children and families in a culturally appropriate way. This is done through the use of Family Finding, Elder support, and Planning Circles. The program helps to promote family safety and wellness, while celebrating Métis history and culture. Its purpose is to increase resolutions for children to return home, to reside with extended family and/or to have a permanency plan within the
Métis community.
Adoption Program
Resolutions & Reconnect
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